Inherent & Treaty Rights-Based Education

The Chiefs of the Treaty Education Alliance members are currently in a conciliation process with Canada at a Recognition of Indigenous Rights and Self-Determination discussion table (RIRSD Table) to develop its own Treaty and Inherent Rights-based education model under an education self-government agreement. Our Member Nation Chiefs are mandated by the Treaty Education Alliance Board, TEA Elders Advisory Council, TEA Treaty Panel, First Nation Members of Alliance Communities, TEA staff and work force and the assistance of legal counsel.

Elders are respected Individuals who play key roles in TEA Member Nations. They are important knowledge holders and sharers and they help ensure the continuation of laws, cultural activities, languages, ceremonies, traditions, and are living connections to the past. Elders are teachers, healers, advisors, counsellors, and have many other responsibilities and duties.

TEA Elders have guided and provided ceremonial events such as sweat lodges, pipe ceremonies, and many prayers for our First Nations.

Today’s education systems and beliefs have been brought from European countries and forced into our communities by non-Indigenous people under the legislation and rules of the Indian Act, Canadian Federal education funding formulas, and Canadian Provincial laws and policies – all of which goes against the sovereign position and authority of our First Nations.

TEA has conducted many Community Engagement sessions in TEA Member Nations over the past several years. TEA has engaged with Elders, Students, Chiefs and Councils, School Staff, Band Membership, and other First Nations interested in pursuing Inherent and Treaty Rights to Education.

Inherent &Treaty Rights-Based (ITRB) Resources

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